Monday, April 6, 2015

Start of 2015 not so good but still good

Hello again for long time.

We had great hopes to make year 2015 first blog post early after the first ice road racing race but sadly it didn't go well. Our team member was injured during the first training session in the season's first ice road race. His acromioclavicular joint was badly dislocated and all the acromioclavicular ligaments was ruptured. It was operated in Finland but the recuperation takes lot of time. That left us without ice road races at season 2015. Also the first half of the year will be with less races that we aimed for. However first two sidecar races in the Korvikunnid cup the Team SunRacing is attending with another sidecar passenger. So even with the injury the Team SunRacing is still represented in different events. We also try to add some solo races as much as we can. It is anticipated that we can return to follow the racing calendar normally at June. Sadly that leaves us only about half to the races we wanted for the year 2015.

That left us with the hard choice, we will not be participating to any quad races during year 2015 as there is not enough time to train for the season events. However that means that we are going to focus more to solo motocross and equine events during the year.

The happy news come from our equine racing. The seasons first so called testing race went really well for team SunRacing. Our team was racing in though crowd in 81 km endurance event in Kiviloo Estonia. The race was supposed to be only the first test of the current fitness of the horse but everything went really well from the first leg to the finish. To our surprise we got really good time and finished first! Now we have really high hopes for next international FEI event in Kurgjärve Estonia at May 25th.